Wednesday, November 21, 2012

winter youth revolt

    Well, hi. For the past few days, I've been back in school. My normal school is located right near the water & the basement was flooded, which damaged some things, so until everything is fixed, everyone has been relocated to a different school. It's been pretty great so far; we still have lessons from our teachers, we stay in one room all day (which is sort of good), and my friends and I made zines. This week, we'll still be at the relocated school, so MORE ZINES. And maybe Nutella. 

      My new favorite months are now November/December (and sort of early January), a.k.a the months in which holidays are over-advertised and everything spells like cinnamon. Right now my apartment smells like dough baking for some reason, but I have no problem with that.  

*Note-the text above was written about a week or so before everything below.* 

We're back in school, which is okay so far. I'm one of the assistant editors of the yearbook now, and next week is when my school's elections are; I'm running for treasurer. I'm finally reading A Clockwork Orange, which resulted in hours of me looking at tumblrs dedicated to it. Seriously, I'm obsessing over it, which is fine by me. 

(last two images are from A Clockwork Orange)

I cannot express my feeeelings for this. For one, I like the 1960s/1970s vibes of it, mixed with the laid-back college professor. The colors remind me of summer & November, which is odd, I know, but I feel like summer is all about vibrancy and November has colors like yellow and brown and gray, which are brought to life here. 

These pictures basically describes winter for me. Mysterious and getting lost in a pale, snow covered forest like in The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe, basically living in a fantasy world. 

Lana Del Rey

The above picture is from the Trash & Vaudeville website, and it reminds me of the title of this post (minus the winter part). 

I'm now an official maker of flower crowns! (I made one before, but I feel like this is the one that really counts because it radiates amazingness.)  

I feel like everything outside is blue and silver and brown and gold. It feels like a silvery dusk. 

(ALSO: my favorite post on winter and all of it's vibes: )

I think that these holographic pictures are very interesting & intriguing. They
re very reminiscent of the 1960s/70s. I'd love to learn how to do this. The tint makes it even better. 

I was reading a magazine yesterday and there was a page on holographic fashion, which is just really great. I feel like the first picture captures the feeling of it more. I don't feel like it's futuristic, but more...outer space feeling. It's not too "in your face" like clothes with pictures of planets and stars and galaxies on them (I don't have anything against those, though; I actually like them).  

Well, then! I'll leave you now. May the force be with you. 
