Monday, February 18, 2013

carrie bradshaw would be proud (fibi & clo review)

Hello! (I hate beginning these posts with "Hello!" but I honestly cannot think of another way to start it than an angsty "Hey." or just leaving out a greeting, which might be weird. Anyway, onward!) Fibi & Clo sent me a really rad pair of sandals, and I honestly do think that they're rad. The only pair of sandals that I have that I really, really liked before these was a chunky strapped, plain black pair, but these are beautiful. (My camera can't handle the amazingosity, which is why I took so many pictures to show to details.) They sent me the Black Cascade, which is this great pair with gems encircling faux pearls encircling a single gem. I recommend them, because they are great. LET THE SANDALS HYPNOTIZE YOU INTO OWNING THEM. I had an outfit to accompany them, but my tripod is still broken so as I figure out how to fix it, I am tripod-less.

I will leave you now to admire the sandals. Because they deserve their own internet shrine.


1 comment:

  1. they are so beautiful! :*
